What is Taekwondo?
As it is literally translated from the Korean, Tae means “to kick” or “works with low body”, Kwon means “fist” or “works with upper body”, and Do means “discipline”, “the way”, or “the art”, taken together physically Taekwondo means “the art of kicking and punching” and spiritually Taekwondo means “discipline of myself with community”
What is Hapkido?
The most common translation used breaks down the work to the following definitions; Hap = harmony, coordination, joining, Ki = internal energy, spirit, strength, power, Do = the way, the art, Thus, Hapkido is most commonly translated as “ the art of coordinated energy”
What is different between Taekwondo and Hapkido?
Simply, Taekwondo is open space combat and Hapkido is close combat. Taekwondo has less contact while training, can start as young as 4 years old and up to any age. Hapkido can start at 14 years old and up to any age. Taekwondo is considered modern martial arts. The beginning of Taekwondo training has easier techniques, such as letting the fist out or lifting the foot. Hapkido has many techniques that are joint attack. It is a more wild technique and is typically not suited for younger children.
Why should a child study Taekwondo?
- TaeKwonDo as exercise - TaeKwonDo is good exercise for children who are still growing as well as a good way for adults to increase their physical endurance. TaeKwonDo’s movements require extensive use of the joints, which increases the limberness of one's body. And because there is kicking, jabbing, and shouting involved, it is also a great way to relieve stress.
- TaeKwonDo as a form of martial arts - TaeKwonDo defends from the opponent with bare hands and feet. What sets it apart from other martial art forms are the powerful and varied leg movements, distinguishing it as a worldwide martial art. While TaeKwonDo’s movements are aggressive, its focus is more on the defense aspect. This focus can act positively for people wanting to learn TaeKwonDo as a way of self-defense.
- TaeKwonDo as a sport - TaeKwonDo is an official competitive category in major world sporting events such as the Olympics, Pan Am Games, Asian Games, All American Games, and South American Games. Competitive TaeKwonDo involves safety gear and set attacks and defenses, which limit the potential for injury. Martial Artists can enjoy the thrill of competing in TaeKwonDo without the high risk of injury.
- TaeKwonDo as a form of education - TaeKwonDo trains the body, but does as much, if not more, to develop the mind. The objective of learning TaeKwonDo is to foster growth in both areas in order to become a more mature human being. TaeKwonDo’s disciples receive defense skills along with repeated etiquette lessons to build character.
What makes MAU different from other dojangs?
Taekwondo is originally from Korea, Martial Arts United has training by Master Lee who raised and trained Taekwondo (still though, his training experience in USA, since 2002), and Master Lee graduated Yong-In University where most famous and he studied Taekwondo in major, Which is more traditionally, more originally teaching Taekwondo.
Does MAU offer birthday parties?
Yes. Martial Arts United offers Birthday Parties. Call for more information and to schedule you next party.
What are the classes like (class size, boy/girl/family, format, length of time)?
Martial Arts United runs mostly All-Belts classes; we build social skills and focus on building leadership. In the class, low belts learn from high belts, high belt student are looking-out for low belt students and demonstrating Taekwondo courtesy, skills, harmony and cooperation. The second largest class will be the Family class, this class is focusing on happy family. Individual family members, while practicing together as a group, will also look out for each other in the class knowing that they have the same common goals (Taekwondo). Martial Arts United also offers Taekwondo and Hapkido adult-only classes. Each class offers more detail about one’s art. Classes are 45 minutes.
Does MAU offer specials?
Yes we do. Current special: $49 for one month plus free uniform.
What if students use their Tae Kwon Do to hit, kick, or injure someone?
The instructor needs to know about such behavior immediately. Whether it happens on the playground with classmates or at home with siblings, this should be addressed immediately and can only be done with your help. In some cases, teachers will report such behavior directly to us. It is important to remember that Tae Kwon Do is for self-defense only, not malicious attacks or horseplay; someone could get hurt. If we find out that this was the case and not in self-defense the student will no longer be allowed to train. We will examine all of the circumstances before making a final decision.
What can students do to get the most out of Taekwondo?
The most important thing students, as well as parents, can do to ensure the best possible training available is to trust the instructors with the training for you and/or you child. The instructors work very hard to develop the best training programs they can with every step taken, every method used for a reason. Your confidence and support guarantees that you will get the most from your Taekwondo training.
Can and should parents stay and watch their children in class?
Parents are always welcome to stay during their children’s class as long as they are neither disruptive nor distracting. Most children and beginners have very short attention spans and are easily distracted. We, as instructors want the students and parents to be comfortable with class, and can do our best job when we have the undivided and complete attention of the students, but if the child is continuously running to his/her parent, this could be a problem. A benefit for the children to having their parent watch is that the parents can help their children at home. By watching the parents can pick up things a child might have missed, and the parents can write the techniques down for their children.
How much do students need to practice?
As with anything, the more you practice the better you will be. As a beginning student it is not important to remember everything and expect perfection. If you can only remember how to do techniques, such as a kick, block, strike or stance and not a sequence or series of moves, then only practice the techniques you can, even this will make your ability better.